Work Programme

Description of mibilities and other activities

1.August 2012
1. Coordinating school logs in into facebook or other social network site and create a profile of the future project
2. Partner school responsible for the website publishes basic information about the project on the project website.
3. Schools inform local authorities about the project

2. September 2012

1. Students and parents are informed about the aims of the project and of partner schools and countries.
2. All information about the project will be given to all staff at partner schools
3. All partners will inform students about the project.
4.Students will learn the basic information about the partner countries.
5. Students in age groups will make the Power Point Presentation about the town where they live and send it to partner schools.
6. Students will learn basic vocabulary of partner countries.
7. PowerPoint presentation to be uploaded to common website

3. October 2012

1. Students read legends about their own regions, the place where they live.
2.  Later they draw a comic based on these legends.
3. Teachers and students at translate legends and comics into English and send them to partner schools.
4. Students learn basic vocabulary in English used in comics.
5. The most interesting comics from each school will be published on the common website.

4. November 2012

1. Students at partner schools read legends and comics received from other schools.
2. Translate them with parents or teachers into their mother tongue.
3. Students at partner school prepare an exhibition of comics received from schools.
4. Students and History teachers start working on the topic ‘The traces of the past while walking around my town’.
5. Visit historical places in their towns, take pictures, draw pictures of the most typical historical places in the town.
6. Students make a board game ‘The traces of the past while walking around my town, and send it to partner schools.

5. December - January 2012-13

1. Students with local artists help gather presents for the charity.  ( in Poland “The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity” )
2. Schools organize Christmas and New Year charity events at their schools
3. Students send presents made by themselves for charity events to partner schools

6. February 2013

1. Meeting regional painter ‘In the painter workshop/studio’
2. Students learn about new techniques painters use in their job.
3. Student use these techniques students paint pictures ‘My town in painting’
4. The most interesting pictures are sent to partner schools.

7. March 2013

1. Students and teachers organized the exhibition of the most beautiful paintings made during meeting the local artist in all partner schools.
2. Students learn about new for them sculpture techniques ( clay, wood, hay)
3. Students take part in the sculpture workshops, make a video there. Learn how to make a simple sculpture and later send the little sculpture and the instruction how to make it to partner schools.
4. Students learn basic vocabulary in English about sculptures (including. materials used for curving etc.).

8. April 2013

1. The study of traditional artisan crafts; popular in ancient times e.g. blacksmith.
2. Students use internet to research traditional professions3
. Students meet the masters of the traditional professions.
4. Students learn the English names of these professions.
5. Students and their teachers visit the regional museum in the open air or historical museum and learn about old professions.
6. Students take pictures, draw pictures during the visit and later make the power point Presentation. Later send it to partner schools.

9. May 2013

1. The project ‘Our regions in music and songs’
2. Students meet the members of the local folk musicians, band and learn folk songs.
3. Students make a video during the meeting with musicians.
4. Students translate into the simple words these songs into English and send them to partner schools. Students in partner schools learn songs received from partners.
5. Teachers publish the short videos with songs and music learnt during meeting with musicians in YouTube. (The account organized specially for the project).

10. June-July 2013

1. Schools organize exhibitions of all final products received form partner schools during the first year of the project and invite local authorities and parents.
2. During the show at the end of the school year students sing and play  all folk songs they learnt based on materials received from partner countries.
3. Questionnaires for students: - What did you learn about your region and regions in partner countries?

11. September-October 2013

1. Students learn about famous writers and poets in their town or region and meet them where applicable.
2. Partner schools organize writing competition “My town in poems and short stories”
3. Teachers translate the best stories and poems and send them to partners.
4. stories and poems in partner mother tongues and translated into English. The booklets consists also the best pictures painted the previous year during the workshops with the local painters.

12. January-February 2014

1. Students learn about the most popular dances typical for their regions. They choose one the most interesting typical and learn how to dance it.
2. Students and teachers write the instruction how to dance this dance and send it to partners.
3. Students in parents at schools learn regional folk dances received from the other schools

13. March-April 2014

1. Students meet the famous regional film director or other artist.
2. Students learn how to make a simple and short documentary.
3. Students choose one famous artist form their region and make a short documentary about him/her.
4. Share documentary on common website.
5. Students learn about the copyrights.
6. Protecting artists work on the internet
7. The consequences of downloading illegal movies from internet

14. May-June 2014

We all are artists. Students, parents and teachers share their hobbies and interests.
1. Students share the artistic interests of their parents and grandparents.
2. Students are aware of their right to have their own interests.
3. Partner schools organize for an Open Day for students, parents and local community; and present all final products made within the two years of the project.
4. The school responsible for the final product which compiles all the parts of the videos produced over the past two years.
5. The movie will be publisher in the common YouTube account.

15. July-August 2014
The partner schools finish to write the final report and send them to the National Agencies.