Trimiklini Elementary school is a rural elementary school situated in the village of Trimiklini. Currently the schools has 80 pupils that come from the 11 of the surrounding villages. The school is one of the 15 schools all over Cyprus that incorporates a full day schedule from 07:30 - 16:00 while the majority of primary schools of Cyprus work from 07:30 - 13:05. Therefore children have the opportunity to eat at school with their classmates and also enjoy a wide range of extra activities during the extra hours that they remain at school
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Limassol CYPRUS
Trimiklini Elementary school is a rural elementary school situated in the village of Trimiklini. Currently the schools has 80 pupils that come from the 11 of the surrounding villages. The school is one of the 15 schools all over Cyprus that incorporates a full day schedule from 07:30 - 16:00 while the majority of primary schools of Cyprus work from 07:30 - 13:05. Therefore children have the opportunity to eat at school with their classmates and also enjoy a wide range of extra activities during the extra hours that they remain at school